Modern Slavery Statement
Venridge Limited (‘Contrac’) does not tolerate any slavery or human trafficking within its business operations and takes a risk-based approach regarding its supply chains.
All Contrac employees have the necessary documentation to legally work in the UK and no-one under the legal minimum age for admission to work is employed.
The IT Managed Service Provider business sector is not considered one most at risk and Contrac does not have intricate supply chains, multiple levels of contracting and subcontracting, or partners with businesses based in impoverished regions of the world where labour laws are non-existent or not enforced.
However, policies are in place to guard against such practices in our supply chains; all contracts with business partners require the prior approval at board level; and business partners may be subject to various forms of vetting, including the verification of information provided to Contrac.
Selective due diligence exercises will be performed, depending on the significance of the business partner to the continuity of the Contrac’s business.
Modern Slavery training is available to all Contrac employees.